Monday, January 4, 2010

Video and info

Here's a video of my snes portable so far. The case is about 80% done.

Also I ordered my new snes and LEDs. So when those come I should be ready to finish this baby. I will spend the weekend working the most and it should be done hopefully on sunday.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Painting and another mock-up

There's a mock-up of the front casing all painted.


Monday, December 28, 2009

Mock ups and case work.

Well so far today I drilled the speaker holes and start/select holes on the front of the case. Then I cut the cartridge case and mocked it up for looks sake. I will be painting hopefully in the next few days after I drill the brightness/volume holes and cut out the controller ports. Here's some pics!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Not a netbook anymore.

Well I couldn't get the netbook case to fit everything so I decided to use a ZN-40 by Polycase. I got to work to cut and glue in the button holes. The tan stuff is wood putty and the rest is just the abs plastic. Here's the picture!

I still need to cut and glue in the start and select buttons but that's mostly it on the case.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Major update

Hello, I haven't posted in a while but I have a few new things to share. I got my zenith screen cut and abs cemented into place. Hopefully that dries soon so I can work on the other side of it. I also cut the cart slot hole. My batteries came in the mail so I wired them up and smae with my smart charger. I also cut the holes for my power switch and power port. And glued them in. Oh yea and I broke my SNES when I was soldering so a new one is in the mail for me.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Concept Art

I quickly made a concept of what the final product will look like. I just found out though that it looks exactly like the new yobo FC16 Go. I will still be finishing the snesbook none the less.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Rewired all the capacitors!

Well yesterday I decided to add more room to the case by flattening the capacitors. Everything worked after a little testing. I am going to order my screen and battery today. I'm ordering a xbox/ps2 zenith 5" screen and a 7.4v battery from

Next step is to buy a desoldering iron and a new soldering iron and relocate the cart slot.